G’day! I am Cody Carnabuci, a photography and digital imaging student in Brisbane. My work comprises of portrait, landscapes, conceptual lighting techniques, and other miscellaneous artwork. Born and raised in Brisbane, I primarily focus on portrait and water featured paintings.
I am drawn to styles like Y2K and the Frutiger Aero aesthetic, which is influenced by nostalgic design trends from the early 2000s. Preferring the personality of previous eras, I avoid modern flat design.
Relating to that, I have experienced with web-based Flash games and having spent time on platforms such as Friv.com and Miniclip. Favourites like Heli Attack 3 and Fancy Pants Adventure reflect his interest in creativity and experimentation, which often permeates his work. Unfortunately, flash has been discontinued at the end of 2020. Fortunately, Flashpoint Archive was introduced by fans and that’s where old, favourable games were preserved and relive our memories.
My photography captures moments that encourage all audiences to linger and interpret for themselves. I resume my exploration of new techniques and styles while refining my approach to visual storytelling.